Craig’s on Melrose: Does L.A. Need Another Dan Tana’s?


8826 Melrose Ave.
West Hollywood, CA
(310) 276-1900

Does L.A. need another Dan Tana’s, I wouldn’t have thought so, but Craig Susser, Dan Tana’s maitre d’ for over twenty years, thinks it does! After all, he has actually been running Tana’s for years, and now he thought it about time to open his own version, a similar but less seedy duplicate on Melrose (not too far away), and although it looks like the 50’s-60’s, at least it is new. There very well may be a need for another industry haunt, and if so this most definitely could be it!

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One Response to “Craig’s on Melrose: Does L.A. Need Another Dan Tana’s?”

  1. Menu Maven says:

    What makes this person think Craig’s is another Dan Tana’s??? It is obvious that whoever wrote this has not eaten there. The food is totally different – American, not Italian, looks different, tastes different and doesn’t walk like a duck (so to speak). Craig Susser has tried to be so directly opposite from Tana’s, so there would be no comparison or rivalry. Now, after 23 years at Tana’s it might possibly become another “industry haunt” since so many people know and like Craig.

    This was written as a “News Piece” not as a “Restaurant Review” and that should have been obvious! The way I see it, Tana’s was never known for its marvelous cuisine and it was always a blur between Italian & American anyway, and may I add, it is one of the only restaurants at that price point I have ever encountered serving spaghetti as a vegetable. K.M.