Posts Tagged ‘NYT food critic’

The Worst of 2010: Sam Sifton, New York Times Food Critic, Reviews KFC’s Double Down

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

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Culinary Tidbits . . . “Sam Sifton writes that he ingested two slabs of breaded chicken, which KFC call the “Double Down”, he described it as a “slimy and unnatural moist thing”, “that the company” (KFC), “asks customers to eat with their hands”. “The chicken is watery within its soft casing of breaded “crust”, “the cheese would be familiar to anyone who has eaten food prepared by the United States government”, “the bacon chemical gives it smokiness”, “the mayonnaise sauce tangy, salty, and sweet, all at once”, “a disgusting meal”, “a must-to-avoid”.