Archive for the ‘Sweden’ Category

Leila Lindholm: Contributing To A Butter Shortage – Sweden

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Aftonbladet, a Swedish tabloid, claimed this week that Leila Lindholm and fellow TV cookery stars were encouraging the normally health-conscious Swedes to shun less fatty “artificial” alternatives to butter.
The newspaper even ran a butter recipe for readers wanting to churn their own. All they would need, the paper told them, was a mixing bowl, whipping cream and salt. “Swedes think butter is delicious,” said the tabloid.
Aftonbladet singled out Lindholm as a particularly influential butter evangelist. “I only bake with real butter,” the newspaper quoted her as saying. “Butter is the best flavor enhancer and tastes fantastic.”
The dairy association said that while butter had enjoyed a recent spike in sales, there had been a reduction in the amount of milk and butter produced annually in recent years. Younger Swedes are not attracted to work in the dairy business as well.

Out of the kitchen go the light, additive-filled butter substitutes. In comes the pure raw butter, preferably containing as much butterfat as possible. It seems to be cheered on by both TV chefs and nutritionists.

Tracking Numbers Used as Marketing Tool – Sweden

Friday, December 10th, 2010


Skånemejerier is a relatively small diary producer based in southern Sweden. It has a long local history and was always able to operate without much competition. That changed a few years ago, when a larger, national diary producer set its eye on southern Sweden, pricing its products aggressively to capture market share. In response, Skånemejeriet is trying to revive its relationship with its customers by stressing its local roots and connections to the community. To that end, it created a web page and an iPhone app; both allow customers to enter numbers from a milk carton’s date stamp to learn about the local farmer who produced the milk.

The numerical code used to relay information to consumers is the standard tracking stamp that the company already used. So for the cost of building an iPhone app and a online application, the company is able to give customers that still-made-here feeling, helping it compete with larger national brands. One to apply to your own (local) food or beverage business?

