Italasia Wine Tasting at Jim Thomson’s House – Bangkok

Lungarotti at Italasia Tasting (photo credit: Ms Chiara Lugarotti CEO of the famous vinyards from Torgiano in Umbria represents Lungarotti at the Italasia Wine Tasting.

Italasia Wine Tasting (photo credit: fine wines were exhibited and poured at the Italasia Wine Tasting at Jim Thompson’s House on Friday 16 October, 2009.

Italasia Wine Tasting (photo credit: excellent selection of the finest salumi and many different cheeses from different regions in Italy from mozzarella di bufala from Campania in the south to raw cow’s milk cheese from Piedmonte in the north.

DSCN1732aAbove: Mr. Andrea Bizzarri of Italasia who helped arrange this elegant wine tasting, pictured with one of his employees.


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